Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Shall I Start By Apologizing?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Home Again, Home Again
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Florida Fun
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
So Much To Do, So Little Time!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
NYC Is The Place To Be!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Another Short Post
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Long Live MJ
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's 2 AM and I'm Cursing Your Name!
Monday, June 22, 2009
It's All Over
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
It's now...JUNE!?
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Eeks! My Hair is Short, My Shoulder is Busted, What Else is Going to go Wrong?!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Dance Is Over, It's the End of May, and Believe it or Not, We're almost 7th graders...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Haha. I'm sosososo excited, and ready. Yesterday we have a 3 1/2 hour rehersal, and it payed off. Seeing all the dances that people worked hard on all year, and being able to practice on stage in front of a small crowd got you ready for the show later on. Lizzi and I have a 11:00 hair appointment, and we might sneak into our towns special day after. It's just a day where everyone that lives in out town goes and celebrates. All of our friends will be there. Then we have to go home and get ready, then go to the high school to get into our positions for the opening number. The recital starts at 3:00, and ends at 6:00. After the recital, my family, Lizzi's family and Chelsea's family are all going to TJ's for dinner.
Wish us luck for the show later!!!
Cass <3
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Goodbye, careless, free, stress-less weeks...
This weekend was partly exhausting. I had a party on Friday night, well, 2, but I didn't go to the other one. More like I couldnt...and then last night I attended another party that was A LOT of fun. When I got home, I was up to around 12:30-ish watching Bride Wars and texting. Then today was Mother's Day, *by the way, happy Mother's Day!* and I had a soccer game. A lot of people weren't going, so my mom didn't make me go. Thank God, because clearly I'm really tired. Instead, I went outside and practiced because I haven't been able to practice in a while due to the rain, and played with Sweet Pea.
Hopefully you all have a great rest of the day, and a wonderful week coming up.
Cass <3
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Too Much, May You Ask?
- Finish an essay for Language Arts, many of us didn't start
- Write a 3 paragraph essay for Social Studies, on the peace treaty between Carthage and Rome
- Science worksheet "Reasons for the Seasons", an interview, and a quiz on Friday
- Pages 19-24 in the test prep packet for Math
For once, I think I'm thanking my science teacher for not overloading us tonight. I finished the interview last night, because it was assigned yesterday and due Friday, and the worksheet was reletivley easy. Language Arts we had to take our time to perfect the essay, and I have trouble in Social Studies, so I took extra time to do the essay. Math, well, math is math. Boring, time consuming...math. I also took time to do the math homework, because math is DEFFF not my best subject.
Tonight, thankfully, I didn't have tooo tooo muchh to do after homework. I had to have dinner, take nail polish off *can't have it on for Dress Rehersal in dance on Thursday...and if I didn't take it off when I remembered...I'm afraid I would forget*, shower, study for LA and Science, and remember to breathe... :-)
Ohhh!! Today is Cinco de Mayo! Too bad I didn't have Spanish today...I would have attempted, but probably not succeded to impress my teacher by knowing that. Haha.
Gotta go... 7:30 and I still have muchhh to do.
Cass <3
Monday, May 4, 2009
Rain, rain, go away...
On a more positive note...
Today in science Lizzi and I were talking about how we want to go shopping soon together. We can't wait to go to F21 and J Crew. We might go shopping at J Crew sometime in May, and I don't know when we will go to F21.
Thursday will probably be the highlight of my week. We have in-class dress rehersal for dance, which is when we go in our costume and get our pictures done, and we perform our dance for the parents.
Gotta go now...get ready for bed and studystudystudy some more...
Cass <3
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Where Has The Time Gone...
Two weeks ago we were in Rome, Italy. Here is a quickquickquick summary of my vacation...if you have any questions, comment with them and I'll answer them in my next post.
Sunday, April 5th: Arrived in Rome. The time difference was a killer, so we went to sleep for a few hours, then I went shopping with Chelsea, Chloe Donald and Jodi. Donald lost his luggage, so that's what we went shopping for. We got back to my hotel rooms, and everyone else in the group was there. We were going out to dinner. Chelsea, Donald, Chloe and Jodi ran up to their room and got changed, and I ran into my bedroom and got changed, because we were hot and sweaty from walking so much. We had to walk down the Spanish Steps to get to the restraunt, and the view was gorgeous.
Monday, April 6th: Early early early in the morning there was an earthquake. The focus was 6o miles east of Rome, which is not very far, and it was a 6.7 on the Ricter Scale, when the highest recorded earthquake was a 7. Today we had a tour of the Coliseum, an amazing landmark from Ancient Rome. It was amazing tro see how the people built it...with no power tools...just millions of people, rock, and rope. Our tour guide screamed at my brother for asking a question, so we left her and looked at the rest on our own. After we left, we went out to lunch. We went back to the Coliseum, but not inside it. We took this little road up a huge hill, and on top of the hill there was a beautiful church. The inside was amazing...anf the stainglass windows took your breath away. Everyone was getting hungry again, so we went out to dinner. Before, we were at this square the Italians called the Common Square, and it was so much fun. There were fountains, and the arcitexture was beautiful. We went out to dinner, and Chelsea and I had to go to the bathroom, but the bathroom was in the basement. I tripped all the way down the stairs coming killed.
Tuesday, April 7th: We went to the island of Capri. This was my favorite part of the vacation. The water was crystol clear blue, and there were millions of tropical fish swimming around. We rented a privite boat to go around the island for the day, but we got there a little early. We took convertible taxi's up to the tippy top of the mountain and had lunch and shopped a little bit. Then we went back down. We all had out hands out of the care going down because Poker Face and Circus was playing. The boat tour was AMAZING! The landscape was beautiful, the water gorgeous, and everything made you think about how lucky you are to be able to do something like this. We took mini canoes into a cave called the Blue Grotto, and the water was a magnificent shade of blue. Look up pictures on google. The car ride back was fun, but 3, long, hours.
Wednesday, April 8th: We had a tour of the Vadican, where the Pope lives. This was okayyyyy....the paintings and sculptures were my favorite part. My favorite room was the 16th Chapel...Michael Angelo painted it. The final product took him 4 years to make, and it's amazing.
Thursday, April 9th, 2009: We went to Florence. I loved the shops here....they had EVERYTHINGGG! Florence is the 2nd biggest shopping district in Italy...the first is Milan, which is also known as The Shopping Capital Of The World.
Friday, April 10th: Today we went shopping. I got a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes, and a Louis wallet. Samantha, Emelei, Jack and I took a horse carriage ride around Rome, while everyone else finished shopping. We celebrated Jack's birthday in the hotel room that night.
Saturday, April 11th: Came home :-(. It was sad to leave, but we all know that we will be taking another vacation together very, very soon.
So that was a summary of my vacation. Remember, if you have any questions, comment with them :-)
This weekend and upcoming week is going to be/has been very hothothot. Yesterday it was 88 degrees, today 92, tomorrow 90, Tuesday 87, and so on. It's time to kiss winter goodbye and say hello to cooler clothes, hotter weather, and my fave, spring/summer shopping!!!
Wow...this is a really long post. I'll post again in about 2 days or so!
Cass <3
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Not so Good, Very Bad, Awful Week...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Where Has The Time Gone?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
School Again..
Right now, I'm in 4th period, normally gym. I had a gym excsue note so I decided to come to the library. I attempted to get some work done, so I wrote a paragraph for language arts, and that's it. Haha. Next I have science, but at 12:05 I have scedualing for next year. Scedualing is when we go to guidance, one person at a time, and plan our scedual for 7th grade. Hopefully it doesn't take too long...I can't afford to miss any more science.
Eekkksss!! Creepy girl just sat down next to me....hopefully she isn't reading this ;-)
Tomorrow it's going to be about 65 degrees! Beramuda shorts? Skirt? I shall decide later...
Oh yeah! I totally forgot! HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!
Bad news: Yesterday, March 16th, 2009, my frog, Peppy/Freckles *Joni and I fought over the name* died between the time of 2:00 and 6:00. :-(
Gotta go...almost passing time and I wanna go early to beat the crowd.
Cass <3
Monday, March 16, 2009
I Need To Build Up My Ammune System...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy March!!
- Going to Italy <33333
- Summer
- Summer vacay
- No more winter
- Soon to be Spring
- Warm weather
- Spring shopping
- Lizzi's birthday
- Alexis' birthday
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Quick and Easy and 123!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
OMG!! I mean J... WHATEVER!!
- Lenscrafters *Emelei had to get glasses*
- Victoria's Secret/PINK
- Zoë
- J Crew
- Kate Spade
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy February!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
High Kick, Jazz Square, 3 Step Turn, SAY WHAT!?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Night of the Drama?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Madi, you're not alone
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This morning I woke up to the beeping of my annoying alarm clock. I got up and signed onto iChat and First Class and read some messages, replied, and waited. I decided to brush my teeth and flat iron my hair since it was crazy curly when I woke up. Right now I'm halfway done and decided to post. Be right back while I get some cranberry juice...
- Brown and pink Her Majesty Juicy Couture hoodie
- A&F white tank top
- A&F darkwash skinny jeans
- Socks
- Leopard Uggs
- Silver Key To My Heart Juicy necklace
- Juicy crown earrings
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Last night Joni and my mom decided to take us on a trip 20 minutes down the road the the hotel called The Hyatt. I brought Lizzi, Phyllis, Gloria and Sophia rented a room, Linda rented a room, Sam and Erin came for a little while and the same with Jodi, Chelsea, Chloe and Chloe's friend Sarah. For the first little bit we connected our computers and we were on the computer for a couple hours. Lizzi and I were taking some pictures on Photo Booth:

That was only one out of like 500... haha. When Chelsea and her family came we went downstairs to the indoor pool. When we got in the pool area, Jack pushed me in, and then everyone jumped in. We played chicken, the movie game, *when one person stands at the other end of the pool and thinks of a movie and gives clues to the people at the other end. When someone knows what movie it is, they swim to the person and guess*, and Lizzi, Emelei, Chelsea and I stood and jumped in while my mom took a picture to hang in my new room. We went back up after a while and took more funny pictures on Photo Booth. We went out on the balcony which over-looked the hotel:

Later, everyone left accept the people who had rooms. When we woke up Lizzi and I went down to the breakfast buffet and ate breakfast, but everyone else stayed in the room and ordered room service.
Before we went to the Hyatt, Lizzi, Emelei, Jack, my mom and Joni all went to the mall. While my mom and Joni got manicures/pedicures, Jack, Emelei, Lizzi and I walked around the mall. Here is what we did.
Got pretzels
Walked the perimeter of the mall
Got cookies
Insulted window displays
Emelei got her eyebrows waxed while I chickened out
Went into Victoria's Secret... with Jack. What a NIGHTMARE!
Went into Boarders to make up for Jack being scared in V. Secret
Got smoothies
Then we left for the Hyatt.
Okay, I know this post is really really long, but I have to add one more thing in...
Friday night we were all sitting in the living room: me on the chair and my mom, Jack and Joni on the couch. We have this thing that pulls up to make it so you can like eat meals in the living room, so Jack had that up because be was eating ice cream. Our 2 pound dog, Sweet Pea, was jumping, she hit her head, and fell to the ground. We all rushed to get her, and we found out she had knocked herself out. We rushed her to the animal hospital, and all we did from there was wait. We heard someone call us in the back. I stood up along with Joni. I was all mis-matchy, because I put on the first pair of Uggs I saw. I was wearing plaid pajama pants, my Timberlane blue and yellow t-shirt and leopard Uggs. I didn't care.... all I cared about was my puppy. Turns out she was fine, but we had to watch her overnight for any minor differences in her personality, because it would be her brain swelling. I carried her out to the car and she slet with me for the night.
Cassidy <3
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sunday: Did. Nothing. Absolutely. Nothing. Made a bunch of sets on Polyvore, but other than that, nada.
Monday: Didn't have tooooooo much homework... got it done quickly. I had a social studies test, but that was it. I was on webcam with Lizzi, then she signed off so i got on with Chelsea, Chloe and Linda. My mom and Joni weren't home, and Jack started attacking me out of the blue, and it all went downhill from there.
Tuesday: After school we went to the light store to get new outdoor lights, then we went out to dinner. I forget the name of the restaurant we went to... but it was reallyyyy good! Came home and watched American Idol. I love this season! It rocks! SOme of the people are a little..... different. But oh well. I love the new judge! She is like my mom's age and my mom like freaked when she found out. LOL.
See? Quick as I possibly could. After school today I had an orthodontist appointment, and my rubberbands are now light purple. They tightened the wire so I'm in a little pain right now, but not too much. When I got home I did my like hour and a half worth of homework, and then I got on iChat and imed Lizzi and we went on webcam. Now I'm watching American Idol but it is a commercial.
There is so many good movies coming out. I want to go see Marley and Me again, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Mall Cop *looks funny and Jack wanted me to go see it with him*, Bride Wars, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Bedtime Stories, and then there is one more that I forget the name of, but it's like when girls get rejected by like guys from 7 different kinds of technology.
Gotta go.... 9:39 PM.
Cassidy <3
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Marley and Me...
Firday night Lizzi's family and I went and saw Marely and Me. It was the best movie I have ever seen, but it was also the saddest. I cried soo hard at the end ot wasn't funny. Ask Lizzi. She cried too. The dog was soo cute along with the little kids. Before the movie we went to Uno for dinner. We all had pizza. Lizzi and I were looking at old videos on my phone and we talked. After the movie she came back to my house and she slept over. We had a lot of fun and most of the time we were on our laptops and talking. We also watched some tv and ate cookies. LOL. The next morning we got on our laptops and imed people and ate like a bidullion dounuts....well I had dounuts and she had cereal. LOL. Around 1:30 she went home, but we got on webcam when she got home. Haha.
Here is some recent sets I have made on Polyvore:

Thing's Happen For A Reaon by ActressCa11

When We First Met by ActressCa11

I love you by ActressCa11

Lizzi by ActressCa11
Sorry this was a short post but gotta go.
Cassidy <3
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Good Morning Sunshine
Turns out that I didn't have connection where I was. I was soo bored out of my mind and all I did was take pictures of myself in Photo Booth and make slideshows of them in iMovie. That part was okay.... but I had 5 hourssss of that!!! Honestly, I was soo happy to go home. When I got home I was on the webcam with Lizzi for a while and then I logged off and watched the new episode of The City *My new favorite TV show*!!!
I woke up at 4:55 today and hopped right in the shower, got dressed, did my hair, lipgloss, clear mascara and got on the computer all before 6:00! Ok, it was like 5:55, but still!
Guess what?! Not counting this post I only have 3 more posts till I get to 100! Woo hoo!
Here is a set I made this morning:

What I'm wearing 1/7/2009 by ActressCa11
and one I made yesterday:

:-/ by ActressCa11
Gotta go...
Cassidy <3
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Macs, Lizzi and More!!!
This weekend I went to The Melting Pot with Chelsea's family. It was soo good and we had a lot of fun. We all went was to my house *The group was me, Chelsea, Emelei, Jack, Dylan, Donnie, Lauren, Jodi, Donald, my mom and Joni* and I packed my bag because I went back to Chelsea's house to sleep over. I slept over... I had fun...blah blah blah. The next day we woke up, Madi came over but then I had to go because I was going to Lizzi's house!! For like the first time in like 3 weeks!!
We had A LOT of fun!! We took funny pics and videos on her computer because she also got a new MacBook Pro, webcamed Chelsea, Emelei and Madi, ate, read mags, blah blah blah. We had soooo much fun *Like always*
Ok, I have to go anyway. GO read her blog. Seriously. It rocksssss!
Cassidy <3
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy 2009!
Tuesday, December 31st, 2008: I went to Chelsea's house for a New Year's Eve party and it was so much fun! When we got there it was soo windy outside and half of her neighborhood didn't have power because a car accident and it knocked the power out. Thankfully, her house still had power. We got there, hung our coats up and went into the kitchen for a little while to talk/eat. We went into the basement and watched her brother and his friends play Guitar Hero: World Tour. When it was 10:00 we turned on ABC and watch Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve. It was soo good this year! I loved Taylor Swift's performance...but they saved the best for last...the Jonas Brothers!! They ROCKED!!! When the ball started to drop...they showed the Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift and Ryan Secrest talking in the center if Times Square. They were lined up so Taylor was at the farrr left end and Joe was at the farr right end.. Hmm.. Last year Miley was at the farrr left end and Nick was at the farr right end. I told Chelsea that next year Danielle is going to be at the far left end and Kevin is going to be at the farrr right end. Haha. When the ball dropped and it was officially 2009, we all hugged, made noise and popped confetti all over. Chelsea, Amanda *her cousin* and I decided to go outside and go down Chelsea's driveway on the Flying Turtle. It was so much fun but her cousin had a few drinks and she wa sin the middle of the road on they flying turtle and a car was coming, so we had to push her out of the road before the car hit her. Then when we were pushing she looked up at the sky and said, "Oooh. Look at the pretty stars!" It was so funny! We got back inside and partied a little bit more in the basement and then we went upstairs, packed Chelsea and Chloe's bag because they were coming to my house to sleepover.
Wednesday, January 1st, 2009: Chelsea, Erin, Sam and I all rode in Erin's car to my house. Chelsea and I found plates and bags of apples all over her car. Haaaa. She told us that when she was on her way to Chelsea's house she found a rotten avocado in her car and was at a stop sign. She was bored, so she threw the avocado at the stop sign and it exploded! LOL. Chelsea and I played Guitar Hero: World Tour a little bit then we went up to my room and watched TV and went on our laptops. BTW...a couple days ago I ordered a new Mac Book Pro! It is supposed to come either today or tomorrow. Anyway, Chelsea and I went to bed around 3:35 and woke up around 11:30. We ate breakfast, and played Guitar Hero: World Tour again. We went the the grocery store and got a bunch of stuff to make New Year's cupcakes. Here is what they looked like:
- Lime Green electrifying LIME green
- Tiffany box blue frosting
- Light blue sprinkles
- 9 purple dots on the top of the frosting to represent that it is now 2009
They were soo good! We made 50 of them so Chelsea brought home like 5 plates of them and we kept like 4 plates of them. *We gave her more because there is more people in her house than ours*
She mayyy come over today again...but I'm not sure yet. Our two families are doing something tomorrow again.
Here is some recent sets I have made on Polyvore...

Jonas Brothers by ActressCa11

All You Need Is Love by ActressCa11

What I wore on New Years Eve... by ActressCa11

Happy New Year's Eve! by ActressCa11
I also updated my January Faves...
Cassidy <3