Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Too Much, May You Ask?

OHHEEMMMGEEE!! Tonight we had wayyyyy too much homework, in my opinion. Here is what we had:

  • Finish an essay for Language Arts, many of us didn't start
  • Write a 3 paragraph essay for Social Studies, on the peace treaty between Carthage and Rome
  • Science worksheet "Reasons for the Seasons", an interview, and a quiz on Friday
  • Pages 19-24 in the test prep packet for Math

For once, I think I'm thanking my science teacher for not overloading us tonight. I finished the interview last night, because it was assigned yesterday and due Friday, and the worksheet was reletivley easy. Language Arts we had to take our time to perfect the essay, and I have trouble in Social Studies, so I took extra time to do the essay. Math, well, math is math. Boring, time consuming...math. I also took time to do the math homework, because math is DEFFF not my best subject.

Tonight, thankfully, I didn't have tooo tooo muchh to do after homework. I had to have dinner, take nail polish off *can't have it on for Dress Rehersal in dance on Thursday...and if I didn't take it off when I remembered...I'm afraid I would forget*, shower, study for LA and Science, and remember to breathe... :-)

Ohhh!! Today is Cinco de Mayo! Too bad I didn't have Spanish today...I would have attempted, but probably not succeded to impress my teacher by knowing that. Haha.

Gotta go... 7:30 and I still have muchhh to do.


Cass <3


Francesca said...

good luck at dance! && yeah, I agree. They gave us wayyy too much homework before testing.. shouldn't we be relaxing this week? [;

Anonymous said...

yeah, i agree with both of you, we should be relaxed and not stressed out over a lot of homework.