Tuesday, March 17, 2009

School Again..

This morning was..normal. Sort of. Not really. I woke up, normal time, got dressed, got ready, and went downstairs. Since I'm sick, my mom made soup for breakfast. I had a little, and then my stomach started to hurt. I took my medicine, and drank some orange juice. My mom said I could go into school late because she wasn't sure if I was going to go. We got in the car at 8'oclock, and I ran out of the car and...well...got "sick." My mom at this point didn't want me to go to school, but I decided to go anyway. I think it was just because I was coughing like crazy.

Right now, I'm in 4th period, normally gym. I had a gym excsue note so I decided to come to the library. I attempted to get some work done, so I wrote a paragraph for language arts, and that's it. Haha. Next I have science, but at 12:05 I have scedualing for next year. Scedualing is when we go to guidance, one person at a time, and plan our scedual for 7th grade. Hopefully it doesn't take too long...I can't afford to miss any more science.

Eekkksss!! Creepy girl just sat down next to me....hopefully she isn't reading this ;-)

Tomorrow it's going to be about 65 degrees! Beramuda shorts? Skirt? I shall decide later...

Oh yeah! I totally forgot! HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!

Bad news: Yesterday, March 16th, 2009, my frog, Peppy/Freckles *Joni and I fought over the name* died between the time of 2:00 and 6:00. :-(

Gotta go...almost passing time and I wanna go early to beat the crowd.

Cass <3