Firday night Lizzi's family and I went and saw Marely and Me. It was the best movie I have ever seen, but it was also the saddest. I cried soo hard at the end ot wasn't funny. Ask Lizzi. She cried too. The dog was soo cute along with the little kids. Before the movie we went to Uno for dinner. We all had pizza. Lizzi and I were looking at old videos on my phone and we talked. After the movie she came back to my house and she slept over. We had a lot of fun and most of the time we were on our laptops and talking. We also watched some tv and ate cookies. LOL. The next morning we got on our laptops and imed people and ate like a bidullion dounuts....well I had dounuts and she had cereal. LOL. Around 1:30 she went home, but we got on webcam when she got home. Haha.
Here is some recent sets I have made on Polyvore:

Thing's Happen For A Reaon by ActressCa11

When We First Met by ActressCa11

I love you by ActressCa11

Lizzi by ActressCa11
Sorry this was a short post but gotta go.
Cassidy <3
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