Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful...

Heyy! We were in Language Arts today with Ms. Husami and a kid yelled out, "It's snowing!!!" Turns out, he was right.

It snowed all day. It's still snowing now. Tomorrow the high is 34 degrees with rain/snow. Chances are, it will be snow, based on the tempature. Stupid weather people need to use common sense. If it keeps snowing like this, we're going to have soooooo much snow!!! But the downside is... it's freekin' October!!! If it snows this early there is a few pluses/ dis- pluses.


-I LOVE snow!!!
-If it snows a lot, there will be a lot of snow days.
-Snow makes everything pretty.


-I get tired of snow fast.
-Snow days means more days to go to school off our summer vacation.
-When snow starts to melt, it makes everything ugly.

Its no longer global warming.... it's global cooling. Any who...

Today in social studies, we had to watch this video that was really innaproprioate. 2gorillas apparently liked each other very much... thats all im going to say. Then another part was about our ancient species from over 3,000,000 years ago, and they were kinda like monkeys, but they stood up. They were walking around naked... both male and female, and it was really awkward.

Today in science Tori, Lizzi and I were walking back from the computer lab and this guy litterly looked me in the eye, turned around, purposly bumped into me and said, "What the h**l?!?!?!" Shea, right kid. 1) It was YOU that bumped in ME, 2) No need to curse and 3) Why did you want to bump into me?!?! What ev. Tori and Lizzi said "Oooooo!!! A 3rd person likes you!!!" Ohmigod!! LOL. Oh well.

Tonight we are carving pumpkins!!!!!!! YAY!!! LOL. I'm going to attempt to carve JONAS in mine, but if I can't I'll just do a traditional face. :-)

-Cassidy <3

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