Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's......... SNOWING!!!

Mwa ha ha ha ha! It's snowing! Lizzi and I were waiting for her dad to pick us up from dance, and there were tiny little snow flakes falling! Now there is bigger snowflakes falling and guess what??? It's supposed to snow tomorrow! Woo hoo!

So at dance tonight Lizzi and I made a new friend. Her name is Elanor, but we call her... Smellanor!! I know... sooo creative! Haha. Genious. Pure. Genious. I have a lot of energy (In case you haven't noticed) and OMJ! When we were waiting in the waiting room tonight I cracked my head against a solid plaster wall and it sounded like a gun shot going off. OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Now I have a major head ache. :-(

Now I'm eating ginger snaps. Ok, I'll stop this here and stop boring you to death. I'm sorry my posts have been so short, but I promise they will be getting longer vveeerrryyy soon!!

-Cassidy <3

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