Thursday, November 13, 2008


Heyy! This cannot me long because I'm getting ready for dance. But anyway...

Today I had to go into another social studies classroom to give something to the teacher and to get something I printed, and Tori came with me. On our way out, I was walking against cabnets and I just walked into one! Out of the blue! It was so embarrassing. I went back and told Ms. Dumont and apparently everyone heard, and they started laughing. I mean, it was definetly funny... but to those it didn't happen to.

OhmiJonas, so I thought Lizzi would forget. But she didn't. And now my best friend is stressing me out. You want to know why?!?!?! Because SHE IS GOING TO DELETE HER BLOG AT POST 150! That's right. You heard me. Less than 15 posts away it will be by-by JoiseyGal... FOREVER!!! Please comment on her blog or this post. Please please please please! I also made something on Polyvore to help her decide to keep it longer... but it isn't working too well. Please comment!!!

Gotta go shove my feet into my Uggs to get to dance. I'll post later or tomorrow.

-Cassidy <3

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