This weekend was kinda boring... I didn't really do much. Saturday Emelei, Joni, my mom and I went to the Willow Grove mall to get our Christmas outfits. Mine is a Calvin Klein dress, Coach shoes and a Marc Jacobs sweater. After that we went to Halmark to get cards and small gifts for some more people. For dinner we went to The Cheesecake Factory. It was soo good! When we got back I went up to my room and IMed people. I accidently hit my lamp with my foot, so now it's broken. Haha.
Sunday I went and got my nails done for Christmas, went to the grocery store, and then Lizzi came over. We are watching her dog Twiggy while she is in California over the break. We went on the computer, talked, played with Twiggy and ate... lol. Then she left.... *tear tear*.
Today in school was kinda boring/kinda exciting. It was a team day, so we didn't have to learn anything. We went to every team class and made holiday crafts. We were having a 6th grade hockey game, so our homeroom had to choose a girl to play in it. Our homerrom chose Francesca... or AKA Franny!! I was excused form gym so while I was in the library I made a sign for her, and my friends and I held it up. Kids lost 11 to 13 against the teachers, but it was still fun to watch.
Today was also spirit day, so we had to wear out Timberlane blue and gold shirts. Turns out that everyone else forgot that it was spirit day, so I was like the only one in the grade that wore my shirt. I felt very weird. Haha.

Ralph Lauren by ActressCa11
Cassidy <3
no one likes hearing about you bragging about all the stuff you got!! SOME PEOPLE CAN'T EVEN AFFORD FOOD
so go donate to them instead of spending your money on stupid designer stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and your a snobby label wearing brat
Okay. Wait a second there, buddy... she wasn't bragging or doing anything bad. So back off.
If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
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