Sorry.... I realized it wasn't 100 posts.... well Madi realized...haha.
Last night Joni and my mom decided to take us on a trip 20 minutes down the road the the hotel called The Hyatt. I brought Lizzi, Phyllis, Gloria and Sophia rented a room, Linda rented a room, Sam and Erin came for a little while and the same with Jodi, Chelsea, Chloe and Chloe's friend Sarah. For the first little bit we connected our computers and we were on the computer for a couple hours. Lizzi and I were taking some pictures on Photo Booth:

That was only one out of like 500... haha. When Chelsea and her family came we went downstairs to the indoor pool. When we got in the pool area, Jack pushed me in, and then everyone jumped in. We played chicken, the movie game, *when one person stands at the other end of the pool and thinks of a movie and gives clues to the people at the other end. When someone knows what movie it is, they swim to the person and guess*, and Lizzi, Emelei, Chelsea and I stood and jumped in while my mom took a picture to hang in my new room. We went back up after a while and took more funny pictures on Photo Booth. We went out on the balcony which over-looked the hotel:

Later, everyone left accept the people who had rooms. When we woke up Lizzi and I went down to the breakfast buffet and ate breakfast, but everyone else stayed in the room and ordered room service.
Before we went to the Hyatt, Lizzi, Emelei, Jack, my mom and Joni all went to the mall. While my mom and Joni got manicures/pedicures, Jack, Emelei, Lizzi and I walked around the mall. Here is what we did.
Got pretzels
Walked the perimeter of the mall
Got cookies
Insulted window displays
Emelei got her eyebrows waxed while I chickened out
Went into Victoria's Secret... with Jack. What a NIGHTMARE!
Went into Boarders to make up for Jack being scared in V. Secret
Got smoothies
Then we left for the Hyatt.
Okay, I know this post is really really long, but I have to add one more thing in...
Friday night we were all sitting in the living room: me on the chair and my mom, Jack and Joni on the couch. We have this thing that pulls up to make it so you can like eat meals in the living room, so Jack had that up because be was eating ice cream. Our 2 pound dog, Sweet Pea, was jumping, she hit her head, and fell to the ground. We all rushed to get her, and we found out she had knocked herself out. We rushed her to the animal hospital, and all we did from there was wait. We heard someone call us in the back. I stood up along with Joni. I was all mis-matchy, because I put on the first pair of Uggs I saw. I was wearing plaid pajama pants, my Timberlane blue and yellow t-shirt and leopard Uggs. I didn't care.... all I cared about was my puppy. Turns out she was fine, but we had to watch her overnight for any minor differences in her personality, because it would be her brain swelling. I carried her out to the car and she slet with me for the night.
Cassidy <3