Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School today...

Today at school was ok.... boring I guess. So many students, so little classes. We had to change into our gym clothing, which was incredibly awkward, meaning I am more tall and matured than all the other ones, well, most of them. We ran a 1/4 mile and played capture the flag, and I was late to my next class because I took too long to change. On the way back to the next class, there were like a pack of 8th grade guys (which were all ugly in my opinion) and were all taller than me, which is incredibly rare. So Tori goes "Oooh, Cass. Look! I found your future boyfriends!!!" And they all started laughing. Ugh. Soooo embarrassing! Thats what I get for being tall. So nothing else really went on. I got home an hour ago and I just got Jack off the bus. So now I'm blogging, about to go get a snack and call Lizzi back.

BTW, if you rrreeeaaallllyyy want Lizzi to keep her blog, you have to comment either on this post or the last one I did before this. I extended the date you have to comment on until next Monday since none of you guys seemed to comment *a-hem*!!!! LOL. Soo yea. G2G.

Cassidy :P

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